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El Paso Rescue Mission

El Paso Rescue Mission

Since September of 2022, the Rescue Mission of El Paso has been receiving and sheltering migrants from all over Central and South America that have been processed through U.S. Immigration. We've had well over 7,000 migrant men, women and children pass through the Rescue Mission since September.

Every migrant that we receive is given a bed, three warm meals a day, the opportunity to visit our clothing closet (most migrants come to us with only the clothes on their backs), access to restrooms, showers, laundry machines and our Resident Nurse. We also provide assistance with travel bookings and transportation to the airport or bus/train stations.

We currently have an average of 200 migrants staying with us on any given day. The average stay for any migrant is usually between 3-6 days. Migrants who have sponsors stay only a few days while those without sponsors or travelling with families require more time to figure out their next move.

We will continue to serve migrants experiencing homelessness to the best of our ability for as long as we are able to. Our capacity to do so is greatly increased by your support! The more we're able to provide resources and assistance, the quicker we can help migrants move through El Paso onto their next and hopefully final destination.

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Ambition Project Basketball

// Our Support

What we are doing

I personally donated $10 for every basket I scored in my adult YMCA basketball league. We ended up raising $1k to support this homeless shelter. I will also be traveling to El Paso to volunteer next week.


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